HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsConsul General says exports to China are increasing

Consul General says exports to China are increasing


Beijing, 30 October 2021 (TDI): Pakistan’s Consul General in Shanghai, Hussain Haider reports on Pakistani rice exports to China that have broken all records while addressing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor & Belt and Road Initiative Agriculture Cooperation and Exchange Conference.

Secretary and members of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research for Agricultural Cooperation and Exchange were present at the conference online.

Hussain Haider cherished that the export of rice to Beijing broke previous records during the first nine months of 2021.

He was of the view that the forum would enhance their bilateral cooperation in agriculture, modernize Pakistan’s agriculture sector, alleviate poverty and improve the livelihood of the masses.

Ye Junping, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs, remarked on the all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan and stressed how the CPEC has enhanced people-to-people links.

Liu Xiangdong, Deputy Director of Agriculture Trade Promotion Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China stated that Pakistani farmers would benefit from the innovative technology and smart methods of Chinese technology companies, as many Pakistanis affiliated with the agriculture sector.

The Ministry of National Food Security Joint Secretary Dr. Javed Humayun mentioned CPEC was the memorial accomplishment of both sides and the large-scale project had opened fresh avenues and opportunities for bilateral cooperation.

He stated that Pakistan had taken many initiatives to not just expand the productivity of livestock, but also to improve the livelihoods of its people.

Agriculture Sector, Key Areas of Cooperation

“Pakistan’s economy depends on agriculture, which employs over 39% of the country’s labor force,” Javed said. He was of the view that agriculture would be among the key areas of cooperation under CPEC.

He added that Chinese businessmen can work together with the private sectors to explore joint venture possibilities that the Government of Pakistan offers.

Ghulam Sadiq, Member Social Sciences Division, Pakistan Agriculture Research Council was optimistic that youth would be engaged in joint ventures between Chinese and Pakistani business firms in the future.

Du Youkang, Professor of the Pakistan Study Center at Fudan University, said that China should increase investment in Pakistan, particularly in the agriculture sector.





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