Islamabad, 26 May 2023 (TDI): A three-training course on “Fundamentals of Integrated Management on Health Emergencies and Crises” was held during May 23–25 in a virtual mode with the support of the Statistical, Economic, and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), COMSTECH, and the Ministry of Health and Population of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Prof. Ehab Abab Kamal, Minister Advisor for Medical Education Affairs, Ministry of Health, Egypt, and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Coordinator General of COMSTECH, addressed the session virtually. Semiha Abdullah Inan of SESRIC moderated the training. Most speakers at the training were from Egypt and Pakistan.

Also Read: Egypt Co-Chairs Global Counterterrorism Forum

Topics like emergency versus crisis and disaster, how emergencies and disasters affect people’s health, health emergencies, and crisis risk management were discussed by Egyptian speakers.

Bilal Anwar, CEO of the National Disaster Risk Management Fund, Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives of Pakistan, talked about adapting disaster risk management for public health systems and the experience of the NDRMF.

The event was attended virtually by 57 participants from 21 countries. Dr. Abdur Rashid, Consultant (Health Initiatives), and Aiman Malik, Program Officer of COMSTECH, represented COMSTECH from Pakistan.


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