Astana, 12 October 2022 (TDI): The Senior Official Committee meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence building measures in Asia (CICA) Secretariate approved the Concept Papers and Action Plans to promote relations among the member states.

The priority areas are Economic dimensions, Environmental dimensions, Human dimensions, New Challenges, and Threats dimensions, and Military and Political dimensions.

Each concept papers and action plans have sub-dimensions.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan will serve as coordinator in priority areas of trade and investment.

Moreover, the SOC approved three concept papers in key priority areas of CICA Confidence Building Measures which are the development of secure and effective systems of transportation corridors, human dimensions, and the security and use of Information Communication Technologies.

The Senior Official Committee meeting of the CICA Secretariat was held in Astana before the CICA Summit.

The Senior Official Committee approved the draft decision, which approved the accession of the State of Kuwait as a new member of CICA and recommended its adoption by the CICA Summit, 2022. The Senior Officials Committee (SOC), approved the draft regulations of the CICA Fund and recommended its adoption by the CICA Summit 2022.

The SOC also approved the draft of CICA Leaders’ statements on cooperation in the field of security and in the use of Information Communication Technologies and recommended its adoption by the CICA Summit.

Furthermore, the SOC approved the draft of the CICA plan of action on the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and recommended its adoption by the CICA Summit as well.

About the CICA Senior Officials Committee

The Senior Officials Committee (SOC) is the fundamental decision-making body for the execution of agreements and decisions of the Summit and the Ministerial Meeting.

It takes decisions on critical problems regarding the development of exchange within CICA, the administrative and financial problems of the Secretariat’s activities, and all issues submitted to it by the Special Working Group.