Moscow, 21 March 2023 (TDI): President of China, Xi Jinping, and Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin had a meeting in the Russian Federation Government House on the morning of March 21 local time.

Prime Minister Mishustin formally welcomed President Xi for his state visit. During the meeting, Xi Jinping reiterated that Russia and China are each other’s largest neighbors and most important strategic partners.

He further stated that the historical rationale for their partnership and the core interests of their peoples are consistent with the continuing sound and steady growth of bilateral ties.

The 20th CPC National Congress took place successfully in China. In the most recent “two sessions,” new top officials of state institutions were chosen.

The CPC, the whole country, and the Chinese people are more united than ever and forging ahead on all fronts along the Chinese path to modernization.

The new Chinese government has high regard for the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia.

In this vein, President Xi Jinping underscored that it was prepared to cooperate with the Russians through institutionalized channels of communication.

These include the system of routine meetings between the Chinese Premier and the Russian Prime Minister, in order to accomplish new objectives and produce novel results in bilateral relations.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that despite the challenging external environment, China and Russia have maintained a solid growth momentum in their all-around practical cooperation since last year.

China has been Russia’s top trading partner for 13 years running. The energy cooperation has consistently strengthened, and key strategic projects have made significant progress.

Growing inter- and intra-personal, cultural, and subnational interactions have brought the two countries closer together. It’s crucial that both parties cooperate to expand and enhance the quality of economic and trade cooperation.

Likewise, it was highlighted during the meeting that the two sides should advance the liberalization and ease of trade and investment, and maintain stable and secure supply and industrial chains.

Also, major connection projects may be fully utilized by both sides to promote growth, cooperatively protect our energy security, and increase bilateral economic and commercial interchange.

The two sides agreed to advance collaboration in innovation and scientific research to advance cooperation and make steady progress.

For future events to be organized in a well-planned manner, the need to work towards the sustained success of the Chinese-Russian years of sports exchanges in 2022 and 2023 was underscored.

Likewise, to fully implement the Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the EAEU and advance regional cooperation at a higher level, it was reiterated that China places great importance on pursuing synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Along these lines, China is prepared to collaborate with Russia and other EAEU member states. The meeting with President Xi was attended by nearly all significant members of the Russian cabinet.

On his part, the Prime Minister of Russia shared that Russia looks forward to working closely with the incoming Chinese government.

It will put into action the mutual understandings established by the two heads of state and deepen the two countries comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.

Moreover, Russia is willing to expand its cooperation with China in areas such as investment and trade, energy, natural gas, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, aviation & aerospace, scientific and technological innovation, and cross-border transportation & logistics.

It also aims to strengthen communication and cooperation on issues such as supply chain safety and food security.

Prime Minister Mishustin expressed his hope that the two sides will continue to strengthen people-to-people interactions and cooperation in areas such as culture, youth, and sports.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi, Qin Gang, and seven Deputy Prime Ministers of the Russian Federation, among others, were present at the meeting.