Beijing, 19 January 2023 (TDI): Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang on Wednesday hosted a symposium in Beijing for foreign experts working in China.

Li expressed gratitude to them for helping bring forward China’s development and openness. He also praised them for their work in fostering international communication and collaboration.

The Chinese leader stressed his desire for increased input from international experts on government initiatives. The event also featured advice from international specialists from places like Germany and Singapore.

Li affirmed that the Chinese economy has made progress in overcoming obstacles in 2022, despite the combined effects of COVID-19.

Furthermore, more than 12 million urban jobs were added, which is above and beyond what was predicted, according to Li.

He also underscored that China’s economy continues to face many difficulties. But implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures, China’s economy will recover.

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“We will further implement a package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, growth, employment, and prices. China will strive to get economic operations off to a good start this year,” the premier said.

China’s Top Priority

Li stressed that China is committed to giving top priority to development, staunchly pursuing market-oriented reform, and better protecting the rights and interests of foreign investors.

Likewise, it is committed to boosting the confidence of private enterprises, and fostering a market-oriented and law-based international business environment.

Additionally, he said China remains committed to its basic state policy of opening up. In addition, China will open up its domestic market further and expand market access for foreign investment.

“China is ready to learn from advanced technologies and management experience. It will also continue extensive international cooperation with other countries.

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At the symposium, it was stated that China will respond to common challenges facing the international community. It will safeguard world peace, stability, development, and prosperity”.

The Chinese Premier addressed the foreign experts at the symposium that the Chinese government welcomes more foreign talent to come and work in China. It will continue to improve the level of convenience and services for foreign experts working in China.