Mombasa, 6 January 2022 (TDI): Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister arrived in Kenya for a two-day official visit. The visit is part of his East Africa tour to garner future cooperation between China and the African continent.

The Kenyan Foreign Ministry issued a statement announcing Wang Yi’s visit. According to that statement, he will also call on the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta along with participate in a Ministerial Roundtable Meeting with the Kenyan Foreign Minister together with other Kenyan officials.

The Chinese Foreign Minister, upon arrival, was received by his Kenyan counterpart, Raychelle Omamo in the coastal city of Mombasa. The two counterparts also conducted a joint press conference.

“Horn of Africa countries should take the region’s destiny into their own hands. Regional countries should convene a conference on peace in the Horn of Africa”

The visit is an opportunity for the two countries to enhance bilateral relations by signing agreements and further cementing the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Partnership between China and Kenya.

The Embassy of China in Kenya illustrated the key agenda of Wang Yi’s visit to Kenya. During his visit, the Chinese Foreign Minister will promote the enactment of the results of the 8th FOCAC (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) Ministerial Conference that was held in Senegal, last year.

In the joint press conference, Wang Yi announced that China will appoint a Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa to help overcome security challenges.

It is anticipated that Wang Yi will also declare support to African countries in fighting COVID-19 as well as new measures for practical Kenya-China cooperation and announce support for African countries in fighting COVID-19. Moreover, he will address issues pertaining to economic recovery at an early date.

Whilst in Kenya, the Chinese Foreign Minister will also inspect the Chinese-built Kipevu Kenya Oil Terminal in Kenya. Kipevu Kenya Oil Terminal has significant ramifications for Kenya and the entire eastern and central Africa region.

Earlier, he also visited Eritrea. The next destination of Wang Yi’s East Africa tour is Comoros where he will discuss Chinese investments and Chinese economic cooperation projects with the island’s government officials.

It is predicted that the Chinese representative will sign many memoranda of understanding and bilateral agreements with Eritrea, Kenya, and Comoros.