New York, 28 June 2022 (TDI): Ambassador Zhang Jun gave his remarks at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East also including the Palestinian question.

The Ambassador started his remarks by thanking Special Coordinator Wennesland for the briefing. He then showed his concerns over the latest report by the Secretary-General and the deteriorating conditions in the occupied territories of Palestine.

He said that the Israeli occupation is squeezing Palestine’s viability. About 18% of Area C of the West Bank is designated by Israel as a closed military zone for training. Another 50% is also designated for other activities.

This caused a halt to the Palestinian economic and development activities. Isreal also plans to advance almost 4000 houses in the areas of Kiryat Arba and Shilo. It threatens to evict 1,200 Palestinians from the area of Masafer Yatta.

He further mentioned that it is concerning that the continuous expansion of settlements is undermining the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people.

These activities have made it difficult for Palestinians to achieve an independent and sovereign state. Moreover, it made it even more difficult to achieve a solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict.

He demanded that Israel must stop the contempt for Resolution 2334.

Ambassador Zhang Jun condemned the continued violence by the Israeli forces and settlers. The violence caused multiple deaths including children. This also caused the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who was reporting on ISF operations in the West Bank.

The international community must take actions

He said that the question of Palestine is a test of international fairness and justice. There has been no solution to the question of Palestine by the international community, which shows that justice is denied for the past 70 years.

He remembered the 12-years old Palestinian child who has seen four conflicts and lived all his life under the blockade.

In addition, the solution to the question of Palestine is crucial for peace in the Middle East. Limited humanitarian and economic measures will not erase the crises in the region.

Finally, Ambassador Zhang called upon the international community and concerned parties. They must take considerable actions to restore peace and prosperity in the Middle East.