Beijing, 25 March 2023 (TDI): China’s Senior Diplomat, Geng Shuang, urged certain counties to revoke nuclear submarine cooperation because of its ineffective implementation of proliferation rules and obligations.

China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Geng Shuang, said that certain countries intend to advance nuclear submarine cooperation, which could later be followed with dangerous consequences.

He also reiterated the significance of ensuring the complete and effective implementation of proliferation rules and urged those countries to refrain from disregarding non-proliferation obligations.

Moreover, he told the Security Council, “Two nuclear weapon states and depository states of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) would unprecedentedly transfer tons of weapon-grade highly enriched uranium to a non-nuclear weapon state.”

“This move provokes an arms race, stokes bloc confrontation, jeopardizes regional and global security and stability, violates the goals and purpose of the NPT, and constitutes a grave challenge to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime,” he added.

Considering the potential risks of proliferation associated with the trilateral nuclear submarine alliance, Geng urged the relevant countries ”to abandon their archaic and narrow geopolitical considerations.

He also urged them to “honor their own non-proliferation obligations, revoke the decision of carrying out nuclear submarine cooperation, and safeguard regional and international peace and security with concrete deeds.”

China on non-proliferation obligations

Under the nuclear submarine cooperation, Australia will obtain its first batch of nuclear-powered submarines from the US.

At the same time, the allies will also work together to create a new fleet using cutting-edge technology, including UK-made Rolls-Royce reactors.

In this context, China’s officials continuously stress that the proliferation situation is still grave despite the international consensus to counter-proliferation. Thus, it keeps urging certain countries to revoke their decision on the so-called alliance.

Therefore, “To keep the international environment secure, all the countries must strengthen the non-proliferation regime and ensure the peaceful use of technology,” Geng showed concern.

Also read: China expresses concern over AUKUS cooperation

Since the consolidation of the Non-proliferation treaty is a progressive process, Geng urged all the parties to fulfill their respective international obligations and strengthen non-proliferation governance right away.