Kabul, 14 December 2022 (TDI): The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday condemned the terrorist attack on a hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan which injured five Chinese nationals.

This incident occurred on Monday and Chinese nationals made up the majority of the hotel’s guest list.

Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the Afghan government to make determined steps to protect Chinese nationals.

In addition, the Ministry’s Spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, responded to this act by stating that the Chinese side is horrified by the terrorist action and finds it unacceptable.

Wang emphasised that China strongly opposes all forms of terrorism and condemns the terrorist attack.

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Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan

Moreover, he pointed out that as soon as the attack occurred, the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan seriously complained to the Afghan interim government. The Embassy requested them to do everything possible to find and save Chinese nationals.

The Chinese Embassy also said the Afghan side to conduct a thorough investigation into the attack, and punish those who are responsible.

Additionally, they also requested to significantly improve security measures for Chinese nationals and institutions in Afghanistan.

Wang said that “we offer our condolences to the Afghan security forces members who died in this incident and our sympathy to those who were injured”.

Also Read: China’s Dynamic Diplomacy towards Afghanistan

Furthermore, it was also said that China welcomes the quick response of the Afghan security forces to the attack and their efforts to save Chinese nationals.

In this regard, China pays great attention to Afghanistan’s security situation. They support Afghan efforts to counter all types of terrorism and violence, as well as to safeguard national security and stability.

Speaking on behalf of the Ministry, the spokesperson urged the Afghan interim government to take immediate action to protect Chinese nationals, institutions, and projects in Afghanistan.

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Additionally, on the day of the incident, the task force of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan arrived on the scene at the hotel.

Along with the Afghan side, they are performing rescue operations, offering medical care, and finding shelter for the affected individuals.

However, the Taliban-run caretaker government reported that the three attackers were killed. Also, a branch of the ISIS extremist group in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for the attack.