Beijing, 20 August 2022 (TDI): Chinese troops will travel to Russia to take part in the Vostok-2022 joint military exercises with Russia and other nations. This was reported by the Chinese Defense Ministry.

China and Russia’s cooperation in the military and other areas has continued to advance. China’s participation in the military drills is in conformity with the bilateral agreements and the annual plan for military cooperation between the two countries.

According to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Defense, the purpose of the PLA’s participation in the exercises is to enhance strategic coordination and capability in dealing with various security threats.

Likewise, the objective is to deepen practical and cordial cooperation with militaries from other countries that also participate in the exercises. India, Belarus, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and others will participate in the combined military drills.

The Vostok-2022 exercises will take place from August 30 to September 5 as per the Russian Defense Ministry. The drills will involve airborne force and long-range and military transport aircraft.

Participants from other countries will also simulate combat formations to maintain military security in the eastern region. The Vostok-2022 will take place in the eastern territory of Russia.

Russia is hosting this year’s drills to demonstrate its capabilities to defend national security from a variety of angles. While Russian troops in the western and southern regions have been more heavily involved in the conflict with Ukraine.

The strategic command and staff exercises in Russia, which have been conducted yearly for the previous four years in various places, are of great significance.

Belarus, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Sri Lanka participated in the Zapad-2021 exercises in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia in 2021.

China sent several troops overseas in 2018 and participated in the previous three key drills. Since China and Russia conducted joint military exercises in August 2021, the Chinese military did not take part in that version.