HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsChina strongly condemns Israeli actions amidst Israel-Gaza conflict

China strongly condemns Israeli actions amidst Israel-Gaza conflict


Beijing, 1 March 2024, (TDI): China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson,  Mao Ning, said China strongly condemns Israeli actions regarding the killing of scores of Palestinians during an aid delivery in the northern Gaza Strip, amidst the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Expressing shock and disapproval, Mao Ning stated, “China strongly condemns this incident. It expresses grief for the victims and sympathies for the injured.”

Israeli troops in the northern Gaza Strip opened fire on Palestinians seeking food aid on February 29. This resulted in a chaotic and tragic event that claimed over 100 lives. The health ministry in the Hamas-run territory cited the number of casualties.

Conflicting reports emerged on the incident’s details. The Israeli military cited a “stampede” amidst a crowd surrounding a convoy of aid trucks. This led to numerous casualties, including some being run over.

“China urges relevant parties, especially Israel, to cease fire immediately, protect civilians, ensure humanitarian aid access, and prevent a worsening humanitarian crisis,” Mao emphasized.

In addition to this, the Gaza aid queue massacre has sparked global outrage. France, Turkey, Qatar, and the US are among those condemning the Israeli actions.

France’s foreign ministry deemed the firing on civilians seeking food unjustifiable, echoed by President Emmanuel Macron’s strong condemnation.

Turkey accused Israel of committing “another crime against humanity” and exacerbating famine-like conditions in Gaza.

Qatar condemned the “heinous massacre.” It called for urgent international action, while the US urged a thorough investigation into the incident.

The death toll from the incident at Al-Rashid Street near Gaza City stands at at least 112 Palestinians killed and hundreds injured in the devastating attack by Israeli forces.

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