China Pakistan Media Forum 2021


Islamabad, 27 September 2021 (TDI): China- Pakistan Media Forum-2021 中巴媒体论坛 ” – the thematic objective of “Strengthening China-Pakistan relations through informed dialogue -构建知情对话,加强中巴关系” organized by Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies held on 27 September 2021 at Islamabad.

The China-Pakistan Media Forum has been initiated by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, to build stronger ties amongst the media groups and outlets between China and Pakistan. The aim of this media forum is not only to build stronger ties but also to refute, confront and expose the negative media conspiracies against the friendship between Pakistan and China.

To achieve this end the first China-Pakistan Media Forum event was organized by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies on 29th September 2021 in Islamabad with the thematic objective of  “strengthening China Pakistan relations through informed dialogue”. The event was conducted in a hybrid manner and was attended by high officials from both China and Pakistan.
Chinese and Pakistani Media pledged together to counter propaganda through enhanced communications and building stronger linkages by creating the “ChinaPakistan Media Corridor”. It was urged that the China-Pakistan Media should work together for a lasting and unified response to false information.

It was decided that the Media Forum should be organized regularly to deal with the challenges and build opportunities for working together. Distinguished speakers from both countries  aimed at strengthening the ties between China and Pakistan and boosting relations through enhanced channels of communications. To promote this outstanding initiative a number of known personalities took part in this event.
Speakers include; Farhat Asif, Founder, China-Pakistan Media Forum and Institute
of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, Nong Rong – Ambassador of the People’s Republic of
China, Moin-ul-Haque – Ambassador of Pakistan to the People’s Republic of China,
Faisal Javed Khan, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting, Sultana Siddiqui, President of Hum Network Limited, Wang Qianting, Senior journalist of Urdu Service of China Media Group, Makhdoom Babar, Editor in Chief in Zhejian (English Website), People Republic of China, Prof. Zhou Rong – Senior Fellow of
Chongyang Institute for Financial Study of Renmin University, People’s Republic of
China, Scarlet Xiang – Chairperson, St. Fulin Group and lastly Ke Ye – Editor-in-Chief of In
Zhejiang Media Group.
The event was attended by a large number of media groups from both China and Pakistan, journalists, columnists, students, members of civil society, and government officials. The event was covered and published by Chinese, Pakistani and regional newspapers and

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