Astana, 28 March 2023 (TDI): President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev met with Ma Xingrui, Communist Party Secretary of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.

The central theme of their conversation was the expansion of Sino-Kazakh inter-regional cooperation.

During the meeting, President Tokayev stressed the value of strengthening bilateral cooperation with China in the spirit of enduring friendship and strategic alliance.

He stated that Kazakhstan and China have a lively and trustworthy political interaction to all degrees. He appreciated China’s standing as one of Kazakhstan’s significant trading partners.

Tokayev congratulated and wished success to Xi Jinping on his re-election as President of the People’s Republic of China. He also recalled Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Kazakhstan in October 2022.

President Tokayev emphasized the significance of Xi’s visit to Kazakhstan, which gave tremendous encouragement to strengthen interregional cooperation further, and provided accurate content.

The President’s visit led to numerous essential agreements that the two nations’ governments and regional leaders work to implement.

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Ma Xingruy praised President Tokayev for his hospitality and conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping’s greetings to the Kazakh President.

He stressed that Kazakhstan is a crucial priority for cooperation. He also claimed that his visit was intended to put strategic agreements between the two nations into effect.

During the discussion, both countries cited that Kazakhstan’s trade with China rose 34% in 2022 to $24 billion, a record for 30 years.

Meeting with the Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister, Alikhan Smailov

Ma Xingrui also met with Alikhan Smailov, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. They discussed several subjects related to commercial and economic cooperation.

Smailov emphasized the significance of expanding Kazakh exports to China. He noted that China is one of Kazakhstan’s largest trading partners with an 18% stake.

The Kazakh Prime Minister, Alikhan Smailov also met with Xingrui
The Kazakh Prime Minister, Alikhan Smailov also met with Xingrui

The two countries discussed investment projects. China has invested $23 billion in Kazakhstan over the past 15 years, including 52 cooperation projects worth more than $21 billion.

Both countries reviewed investment projects and strategies, such as establishing green lanes to expedite agricultural product transportation.

Kazakhstan was encouraged to enhance its goods exports to China. Both countries examined steps to alleviate delays at the border, such as expediting visa requirements for Kazakh cargo transporters.

Both leaders highlighted that this meeting is a testament to Kazakhstan and China’s bilateral partnership. They emphasized interregional collaboration’s necessity to advance both countries’ growth and development.

The Kazakh Prime Minister stated that expanding Kazakhstan-China cooperation has enormous potential for both countries, particularly in business, investment, and infrastructure.

Kazakhstan’s regional influence and economic development will benefit from closer ties with China.