Washington DC, 15 April 2023 (TDI): The British Embassy in Washington DC released a statement today in celebration of National Gardening Day.

In the statement, the embassy’s architect, Sir Edwin Lutyens, was highlighted for his belief that gardens are not optional or merely decorative, but a fundamental element of a perfect house.

For the information, Sir Edwin Lutyens was a renowned British architect who worked on a number of high-profile projects throughout his career, including the design of the British Embassy in Washington, DC.

In his work, Lutyens emphasized the importance of gardens as an integral part of any building design, believing that they contribute to the overall beauty and functionality of a property.

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In the embassy’s statement, Lutyens’ philosophy was celebrated, and the importance of gardens in promoting well-being and environmental sustainability was emphasized.

Moreover, the embassy also took the opportunity to recognize the many benefits of gardening, including its potential to reduce stress, improve physical health, and promote community engagement.

Likewise, the embassy encouraged people to celebrate National Gardening Day by getting involved in gardening projects in their own communities, and by exploring the many ways that gardening can promote health and well-being.

The embassy also highlighted the role that gardening can play in promoting environmental sustainability and conservation.

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To mention, this statement received a positive response from the public, with many people expressing their appreciation for the embassy’s recognition of the importance of horticulture.

Some social media users shared their own gardening tips and photos of their gardens, while others shared stories of how gardening had improved their own lives.

Overall, the embassy’s statement was a welcome reminder of the many benefits of gardening, and of the important role that gardens can play in promoting beauty, functionality, and sustainability in our communities.