Bolivian Foreign Minister Felicitates Japan


La Paz, 12 February 2022 (TDI): Foreign Minister of Bolivia Rogelio Mayta greets Japan on its National Foundation Day.

Writing on Twitter, Rogelio Mayta said that this traditional date highlights Japanese millenary history. In a congratulatory message, he highlights the friendship between the two countries. He added that both states built a relationship based on respect and complementarity.

Rogelio Mayta wishes for good bilateral relations with Japan in the oncoming future. 

Bolivia and Japan Relationship: An overview 

Both states have started diplomatic interactions back in the early twentieth century. Moreover, both have friendly relations, which revolves around Japanese migration to Bolivia in the past years. At that time, Bolivia provided shelters to Japanese migrants.

Bolivia and Japan have signed several bilateral agreements such as the Agreement for Japanese immigration to Bolivia (1956), the Agreement for the Cooperation of Japanese volunteers in Bolivia (1977), and an Agreement of Technical Cooperation (1978).

Both countries are members of international organizations, for instance, the United Nations (UN) and East Asia-Latin America Cooperation Forum, and more.

National Foundation Day

11 February marks Japan’s National Foundation Day. It is the celebration of the creation of Japan. It is a traditional date on which legend Emperor Jimmu founded Japan in 660 BC and turned the Japanese calendar to the Gregorian one.

Indeed, National Foundation Day was celebrated initially with the New Year. However, the dates slightly shifted when Japan left the lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar. It was Emperor Jimmu who established the new calendar in 660 BC. 

In Japan, the National Foundation Day celebration recalls the founding of the nation and cultivating a mindset of love of the country. On a national holiday, each Japanese person remembers the efforts made by their ancestors to bring Japan on the development path. They also hope for further development in every aspect of life. 

To conclude, it is a national holiday for Japanese people. It reminds the Japanese of the nation’s founding and enhances their love for their country.