June 14, 2021 (TDI): The Board of investment organized a four-hour symposium in the Islamabad PMU cooperation office in which more than 40 state-owned and private-sector Chinese companies participated both virtually and physically. The seminar was organized to make plans and strategies to attract Chinese business to Pakistan.
The Chairman of the Board of Investment, Atif R Bokhari, and Secretary BOI, Fareena Mazhar, both are working together in administering and collaborating the efforts to engage the Chinese companies. In this symposium, the notable Chinese leaders were invited to share their ideas to improve the business in Pakistan and to make the Pakistani business climate more attractive for Chinese companies.
By focusing on the comprehensive strategic policies not only the existing business will be facilitated but also promotes the other Chinese companies and businesses to invest in Pakistan. In the Symposium the issues faced by the Chinese companies were also discussed in detail. Liu Rui, the spokesperson of the Chinese embassy in Pakistan, also shared his idea of the policy interventions to consider the government agencies in Pakistan.
Mr. Asim Ayub, the Project Director of CPEC Industrial Cooperation thanked all the participants and stated that the board of investments is giving full efforts to allure all the foreign direct investments in Pakistan. He further stated that the project management unit of the board of investment is facilitating the Chinese companies to broaden their investments in Pakistan. Habib Bank Limited representatives were also present in this session. The representatives of HBL shared their views to strengthen the modes of collaboration of G2G, G2B, and B2B.
#BOI #FDI #ChineseCompanies #HBL #ChinesebussinesinPakistan #4hourSymposium
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