Nouakchott, 16 March 2023 (TDI): In the 49th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC),  Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto graciously presented and passed on the Chairmanship of the session to his  Mauritian counterpart, the honorable Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug.

The symbolic transfer of power, executed in the solemn and dignified setting of Nouakchott, serves as a testimony to the OIC’s commitment to the principles of democracy, unity, and diplomacy in the realm of global affairs.

As the world faces increasingly complex and interconnected challenges, unity and cooperation represent a beacon of hope and progress toward a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Constructive Approach

In the session, Bilawal urged that OIC should make and implement a constructive approach to achieve sustainable goals for all member countries.

He called for advancing in the realm of innovation and technology and stressed the need to resolve the crisis of the developing world with digital cooperation.

He addressed that the Muslim world should devise a mechanism to provide solutions for the economic crisis that must be built on the provision of equitable international financial rules and regulations.

Regional Issues

Bilawal Bhutto stated that the Muslim countries must combine their support to root out terrorism from Afghanistan by strengthening its counter-terrorism strategies and security infrastructure.

He highlighted the current humanitarian crisis and economic crisis the people of Afghanistan are facing.

He also referred to the violation of International Law, United Nations (UN) Security Resolutions, and the abuse of human rights of India in Kashmir. 

Bilawal highlighted that OIC must play an effective role in helping the people of Kashmir to achieve the right of self-determination. He abhorred the move of India that revoked the special status of Kashmir.

He stated that there is a dire need to reinstate peace and security in Muslim states, such as Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya.

Bilawal also welcomed the reorientation of the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Moreover, he condemned Israeli aggression against Palestine. 


In light of the International Day on Combating Islamophobia, Bilawal asked Muslim leaders to raise their voices and concerns about the issue. 

There is a need to formulate an action plan and appointments of special envoys that would help counter hate speech and violence against Muslims.

Cohesive Financial Strategy

Bilawal also stated that the OIC must formulate a financial strategy to mitigate economic issues in the Muslim world. 

There must be a restructuring of debt, establishment of Muslim multilateral banks, public-private partnership investments, sustainable infrastructure, and the mobilization of the promised climate financing.