Baku, 19 April 2023 (TDI): Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Jayhun Bayramov, spoke with Derek Hogan, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

Both diplomats reviewed the latest developments on the Azerbaijan-US collaboration agenda and the area’s current situation, particularly the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace agenda.

Minister Bayramov emphasized the significance of mutual communication for strengthening relations. He highlighted Azerbaijan and the United States’ bilateral and multilateral cooperative agenda.

Bayramov also cited Azerbaijan’s post-conflict concerns, such as Armenia’s continuous military-political attacks, the failure to evacuate armed forces from Azerbaijan, and opposition to constructing a border crossing station to avoid exploitation of Lachin’s path. Despite these obstacles, he reiterated the country’s commitment to the peace initiative.

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Assistant Secretary Hogan stressed the importance of successful normalization between Azerbaijan and Armenia in promoting long-term peace and security in the region. He also noted that the United States would support the peace talks.

Hogan underlines the significance of resolving these issues through diplomacy and peaceful means. He also mentioned that Azerbaijan and the United States have a long history of collaboration and share the objective of promoting regional peace and stability.

Furthermore, Hogan stated that the US has always supported the region’s negotiations for peace. The country is committed to continuing its efforts to build long-term peace and tranquility.

He also affirmed that the US remains Azerbaijan’s reliable partner, prepared to work with the country to address its challenges and advance the peace agenda.

This dialogue between Assistant Secretary Hogan and Minister Bayramov illustrates the significance of Azerbaijan and the US maintaining close affinity.

US and Azerbaijan’s Diplomatic Relation

The United States and Azerbaijan have a diplomatic relationship that dates back to Azerbaijan’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

The two countries have maintained close ties ever since. The United States recognizes Azerbaijan’s strategic importance in the South Caucasus region.

Bilateral relations between both countries have focused primarily on energy and security issues. The US has worked closely with Azerbaijan on energy projects such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.

Regarding security, the United States has assisted the nation in border security and counterterrorism. The two countries have also conducted joint military exercises.

The United States has supported Azerbaijan’s efforts to develop its economy and modernize its infrastructure. Additionally, the two countries have engaged in cultural and educational exchanges to promote understanding and build closer ties between their people.