Islamabad, 9 March 2022 (TDI): The High Commission of Australia in Pakistan, on the 8th March in connection with the International Women’s Day participated and organized a blind girls cricket training camp in Islamabad Pakistan.

Australia is a country that has always encouraged and helped grow the sports diplomacy between the two countries. In connection with the 8th March International Women’s Day Australian High Commission collaborated with the Pakistan Blind Cricket Council for a five-day cricket training camp for visually impaired girls.

Australia’s Efforts for Blind Cricket in Pakistan

Australia and Pakistan share a passion for cricket. Australian High Commission and the Chairman of Pakistan’s Blind Cricket Council announced the inception of Pakistan’s first blind cricket team for women and girls in an effort to bring women and girls with disabilities into the world of sports.

A total of 25 women from the North zone were trained by highly skilled trainers who imparted great skills of training about batting, bowling, fielding, and other techniques. Cash prizes and trophies were distributed at the Closing ceremony while souvenirs were given to the guests.

International Women’s Day: An Overview

In 1975 United Nations declared March 8th to be International Women’s Day. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the date was picked to commemorate an event in 1917 when a group of women in Russia held a four-day strike to demand peace, bread, and a right to vote.

The socialist party of America first organized national women’s day in New York on February 28th (1909). This was suggested by labor activist Theresa Malkiel to commemorate protests against garment workers in the city.

So every year 8th March is celebrated as International Women’s Day traces its history to the feminist movement in Europe and America in early 1900 the day became mainstream after it was adopted by the United Nation in 1977.

International Women’s Day is a global reality in recognition to commemorate the cultural, political, and socio-economic achievements of women. The theme for 2022 International Women’s Day is “gender equality day for a sustainable tomorrow”.

History of Blind Cricket

Blind cricket was invented in Melbourne, Australia in 1992 by two blind factory workers who improvised the game using a tin can containing rocks. The Victorian Blind Cricket Association was founded shortly after in 1992. The first sports ground and clubhouse for blind cricket was built at Kooyong, Melbourne in 1928.

Cricket for the blind is a highly competitive game that enables people with visual impairment in turning them into people with vision. A vision of a healthy prosperous future full of exciting opportunities for all the special people. It has been governed by the World Blind Council since 1996. So far five World Cups have been held.

Pakistan-Australia Bilateral Relationship

A bilateral relationship exists between Australia and Pakistan. Australia enjoys long-standing and growing ties with Pakistan. Diplomatic relations were established after Pakistan’s 1947 partition from India and Australia has maintained a resident mission in the country since 1948.

Australia has an immense interest in Pakistan given its size, economic potential, and strategic location in South Asia. Australia has always been committed to supporting Pakistan to build economic prosperity, equitable development.

Australia takes a deep interest in Pakistan’s strategic placement in South Asia. It is committed to helping build a prosperous economy and sustainable development.

Australia has designed an aid program for Pakistan with an aim to contribute a sustainable, economically stable, and poverty alleviated Pakistan through two strategic objectives; generating sustainable growth and employment through trade, investment, and enhanced agriculture productivity, water resources, and industry.

The other objective is investing in the people of Pakistan laying an emphasis on women’s education and empowerment. Gender equality is a core priority and policy for Australia.

It focuses on women’s empowerment, especially through women’s involvement in business development and trade, and help women lift themselves and their family out of poverty. Australia has a zero-tolerance policy towards violations against women and girls which is a fundamental barrier to the rights of women and girls.