HomeNewsASEAN 20th and 24th ASEAN plus three Trade Ministers' meeting

ASEAN 20th and 24th ASEAN plus three Trade Ministers’ meeting


Beijing, 14 September 2021 (TDI): The Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wenato attended the China-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 20th Trade Ministers’ meeting and the 24th ASEAN plus three trade ministers meeting on Monday through a video link.

The Minister stressed standing against the pandemic in unison, and boosting the regional economic recovery. All the sides focussed on common development purposes and exchanged deep analyses on economic and trade predicaments.

It was agreed that China, Japan, and the Democratic Republic of Korea, the plus three, must invest in ASEAN and stand shoulder to shoulder with the ASEAN community.

The current pandemic situation was also assessed. The parties agreed that through cooperation and equitable distribution of technologies and medicines, coronavirus will be curbed.



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