New York, 27 September 2022 (TDI): the Consul General of Pakistan to New York, Ayesha Ali expressed her gratitude to the people of the US for their support of Pakistan. She thanked the organizations in the US for working together to bring relief to the people of Pakistan struck by floods.

She thanked the Rotary Club Hicksville South and the Pakistani society of America for their generous contributions.

The Embassy in New York, Monday, tweeted a message, thanking the people of the US for their contributions and work to bring relief to the people of Pakistan.

The Embassy also thanked the US Congressman, Tom Suozzi for his solidarity with Pakistan during these critical times.

Fund-Rasing event:

On Sunday, the Rotary Club Hicksville South (RCHS) organized a fundraising event to collect aid for Pakistan.

Their message for the invitation read “As a nonprofit, we depend on the generosity of individual donors like you to help fund our programs.”

The event took place on Sunday, September 25th, 2022. It was held At Royal Palm 2143 Boundary Ave, Farmingdale, NY 11801.

Many Pakistani-based Americans as well as officials attended the event.

On the occasion, Congressman Tom also attended the event.

During his address, he highlighted his trip to the flood-affected areas of Pakistan.

The Congressman said that while the US is aiding the country with humanitarian aid it will still take time to battle the problems caused by the floods.

Additionally, he also highlighted that the flood-stricken people are living in a vulnerable situation and it is their responsibility to help them.

Conclusively, he thanked Rizwan Quershi, President of RCHS, Pakistan’s Consulate General to New York, Ayesha Ali, and Zeeshan Hamid for taking up such projects to support the country.

Moreover, congressman tom highlighted that due to this event, thousands of mosquito netting, shelters, water jugs, and other basic necessities will be provided to the flood-hit people.

Rotary Club Hicksville South:

Rotary Club Hicksville South is a global network of commu­nity volunteers. Rotary members are professionals and community leaders who provide humanitarian service. They also help build goodwill and peace in the world.

It was formed in 2009. The Club has participated in several international projects helping the needy in the areas of healthcare, education, and disaster relief.

Recently, Najeeb Syed, chair of the International Committee under RCHS raised over $45,000 to help feed Pakistan Flood victims.

Floods in Pakistan:

Due to heavy monsoon rains, Pakistan has plunged into a catastrophic flood situation in many areas. The floods have killed more than 1000 people since July.

Moreover, a huge number of homes and other infrastructure were destroyed by these floods. Correspondingly, now the flood victims are facing a new challenge of fighting water-borne diseases.

Countries from around the world are stepping forward to help Pakistan.

Also Read: Indonesia dispatches aid for flood affectees in Pakistan