HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsPM Trudeau’s statement on Canada Day

PM Trudeau’s statement on Canada Day


Ottawa: July 01, 2021 – (TDI):  The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau issued a statement on Canada Day. He started the statement by referring to Canada Day as the celebration of the country, its people, its achievements, and its prospects. The next topic of the statement was the pandemic. He reminisced about the start of Covid19, and how the Canadians strongly and smartly fought against it. He applauded their efforts to fight the pandemic by getting vaccinated, immediately upon the availability of vaccines. While mentioning the Canadian values of hope, kindness, hard work, resilience, respect, and hard work, the PM acknowledged their prominence in the fight against the pandemic. Canada Day should be a celebration of these values, he shared.

Amidst this talk of celebration, the PM expressed that the day is not worthy of celebration by some. In this regard, he highlighted the proofs of systematic racism in Canada, discovered in the form of remains of hundreds of children at the location of former British Columbia and Saskatchewan residential schools. He termed these findings as historical failures of Canada. He further expressed that these injustices against various groups still reside in Canadian society. It is not something to hide, but something to be honest about, he stressed. It must be acknowledged that safety and opportunities for various groups are still compromised, as they face systematic racism on daily basis.

He addressed the nation that while the past is resolute, the future is undetermined. It is upon Canada, as a nation, to right the wrongs of the past and paves a pathway, much better than before.  The process might be difficult, but the result will be exceptionally good, for everyone, including the indigenous people. He stressed the demonstration of the Canadian values to establish a better Canada for all. He mentioned that the public determines the future of Canada. With their sheer resilience and efforts, they can face any challenge and come out as a winner.

He concluded his statement, by asking the public to listen to and to learn from each other, so that the barriers dividing them can be abolished and the injustices can be left behind. With a collective public effort, Canada can be a just and equitable home for all, he affirmed. He reiterated his determination to work hard along with others, to build a better and just version of Canada. With this, he wished everyone, a Happy Canada Day.

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