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China and Nauru restore diplomatic relations


Beijing, 24 January 2024 (TDI): On Wednesday, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Nauru announced to restore diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level in a significant move following Nauru severing ties with Taiwan.

The joint statement in Beijing was signed by Wang Yi, a member of the CPC Central Committee’s Political Bureau and China’s Foreign Minister, and Lionel Aingimea, Nauru’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister.

The two officials before signing a joint statement have engaged in a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. The statement mentioned that the two countries agreed to reestablish ambassadorial-level diplomatic ties starting from the day they signed the statement.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi while addressing the press conference following the ceremony said that this was a new beginning. He pronounced they had signed a joint statement to restore diplomatic relations between China and Nauru.

He highlighted that Nauru acknowledged that there was only one China in the world. The government of the People’s Republic of China was the sole legal representative of China and Taiwan was an integral part of China.

Nauru had cut off relations with Taiwan recently. It had previously recognized China from 2002 to 2005.

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Moreover, Foreign Minister Wang underlined that they had a long-lasting friendship. He said they were both developing countries and faced the challenges of improving people’s welfare and achieving modernization.

He further added that they protected the rights of developing countries and their sovereignty and opposed the division of the world. Wang Yi reiterated that they both supported globalization that was universal and inclusive. He called that these shared values united them.

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Aingimea stated: “We are excited about this new phase of Nauru and China’s relationship. It will be based on resilience and growth plan.”

The government of Nauru declared earlier in the month that it accepted the one-China policy, cutting off relations with Taiwan, and pursued to renew relations with China. This marked an important shift to restore diplomatic relations between China and Nauru, a small Pacific island nation.

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