HomeWorldAsiaCOP 28: Afghanistan climate vulnerability and WFP efforts

COP 28: Afghanistan climate vulnerability and WFP efforts


Kabul, 30 November 2023 (TDI): In line with one of the commitments to be upheld in the coming COP 28 summit, the World Food Program operating in Afghanistan has been efficiently carrying out activities to support Afghan people in building climate resilience.

WFP constructed irrigation canals and flood protection walls in Afghanistan to assist communities throughout the country in adapting to the growing climate crisis.

Across the country, barren ground is being transformed into lush green fields, allowing farmers to grow crops to nourish their families.

A report published by WFP outlined the adverse impacts of the environmental changes across the country. Drought prompted hundreds of Afghan families to flee their homes. Many people’s only source of sustenance is the food they grow, and their only source of money is the surplus they sell.

However, as water levels fall and crops fail, entire villages are vacated, families migrate to pursue alternate livelihoods, and they are frequently left even more susceptible.

Water, which was once a common vitality, has now become a source of tension and strife for those who want to survive. With winter on the horizon, their survival is in jeopardy.

Climate change is a looming threat posed to the nations worldwide, particularly the developing ones. It is a bitter reality for millions of Afghan families. Drought and crop failure leave whole populations vulnerable and hungry. WFP reminded everyone around the world of the necessity of improving adaptability to climate shocks ahead of COP 28.

“Along with other initiatives, the construction of a new canal by the World Food Program in Kunar province of Afghanistan in the year 2020 is notable. By 2023, it has contributed to double agricultural production, increasing crop types, resolving community water issues, and protecting lands from climate disasters.”

The World Food Program (WFP) assists food-insecure populations in anticipating, responding to, and recovering from climate shocks and pressures. WFP saves lives in the aftermath of natural disasters. The World Food Program also provided climate risk management strategies in 42 countries, serving over 15 million people.

Also Read: Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister meets UN Special Representative

Now, all eyes are on Dubai as the world awaits COP 28, the UN’s annual Climate Change Summit, for those pledges that WFP hopes will be quickly translated into practical steps to safeguard people at the forefront of climate change, particularly where it intersects with war.

Maha Afzal Chaudhary
Maha Afzal Chaudhary
Maha Afzal Chaudhary is a contributor author on TDI

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