21st Annual Regional Seminar on Implementation of International Humanitarian Law

21st Annual Regional Seminar on Implementation of International Humanitarian Law
21st Annual Regional Seminar held in Pretoria, South Africa

Pretoria, 23 November 2022 (TDI): The 21st Annual Regional Seminar on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law was held by Southern African countries and Indian Ocean Island States in South Africa.

The Summit is themed “International Humanitarian Law: An African Perspective on Contemporary Global Challenges”. It aims to tackle the issues related to how these countries can harness themselves to promote international law in their countries.

Deputy Minister Alvin Botes, National Assembly Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperations Party of South Africa delivered the opening ceremony speech.

He said, ” I am honored and privileged to be welcoming you all to the opening of our 21st Annual Regional Seminar on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law for Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Island States.”

He continued to assure all participating Heads of State to take this opportunity to relay all the issues regarding International Law Implementations. The Implementation of International Laws among many states is an issue that needs to be addressed.

The various representatives of the participating countries will all ensure that their mandate on the implementation of international law is well-kept. The Indian Ocean Islands States have all been well represented when it comes to this Seminar.

The South African government has for all these years exhibited its mandates on the Implementation of International Law.

They have ensured that countries that are their friends and allies promote and respect their tenets. The issue of land laws has been significant in the African States as many African countries challenge each other on issues of land.

The seminar is supposed to run from 22 November to 25 November. The keynote speakers will speak on the laws of countries and how these laws are supposed to be implemented.

Human rights laws will also be a key issue to talk about during the Seminar. Countries that are faced with these challenges will be addressed as well.