New York, 29 November 2022 (TDI): International Jaguar Day is celebrated on November 29 every year globally. The Day highlights the numerous conservation initiatives undertaken by groups and individuals to support the expansion of the species’ range.

History of the Day

To spread awareness of the growing dangers to the jaguar and the vital conservation work ensuring its survival from Mexico to Argentina, International Jaguar Day was established.

Representatives from 14 nations in the range gathered in New York in March 2018 at UN Headquarters for the Jaguar 2030 Forum. This Forum resulted in The Jaguar 2030 Statement.

Also read: UNESCAP Agriculture & Food System Forums

It highlighted a wide range of globally collaborative jaguar conservation measures. It also included a suggestion to establish an International Jaguar Day.

Numerous countries, including Brazil, which has designated the jaguar as its symbol for biodiversity, celebrate International Jaguar Day.

Facts about Jaguars

Jaguars are carnivorous creatures that can weigh up to 250 pounds and live up to 15 years in the wild. The scientific name of Jaguars is Panthera onca.

Moreover, after the tiger and the lion, the jaguar is the third-largest cat in the world and the largest cat in the Americas. Jaguars are excellent water and land hunters. The design of their feet makes it easier for them to swim through deep water and catch fish.

They can kill practically any animal with only one bite due to their powerful jaws. Their fangs are capable of cutting through thick crocodile skin and turtle shells.

Threats to Jaguars

Numerous factors have led to a decline in the number of jaguars throughout the world. The Jaguar 2030 forum specifically mentioned these reasons.

First is hunting. In addition to their skin, jaguars were hunted for their paws, teeth, and bones, valuable in Chinese medicine.

Despite being protected species and trade in their parts is no longer allowed, Illegal trading and poaching exist. Sports and meat are also reasons for the hunting of jaguars.

Loss of habitat is another risk to jaguars. Deforestation has resulted in reducing the Jaguar population living in the forests. More of the jaguars’ habitat has been invaded by logging, agriculture, cattle grazing, and human activity.

Ranchers and herders who view jaguars as a threat to their cattle also kill them. The chance of jaguars hunting cattle has increased as more grazing grounds take the place of forests and herds to occupy areas that once served as the homes of jaguars.

International Jaguar Day
