Geneva, 24 February 2022 (TDI): The World Trade Organization (WTO) General Council, on 24 February 2022, has finalized the names of Chairpersons for World Trade Organization bodies.

Didier Chambovey is selected as the Chairperson of the World Trade Organization General Council. Here is the complete list of Chairperson of WTO.

General CouncilDidier Chambovey (Switzerland)
Trade Policy Review BodyÁngel Villalobos Rodríguez (Mexico)
Dispute Settlement BodyAthaliah Lesiba Molokomme (Botswana)
Committee on Trade and DevelopmentUsha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady (Mauritius)
Council for Trade in GoodsEtienne Oudot De Dainville (France)
Council for Trade in ServicesKemvichet Long (Cambodia)
Working Group on Trade and Transfer of TechnologyLuis Chuquihuara Chil (Peru)
Committee on Balance-of-Payments RestrictionsSaqer Abdullah Almoqbel (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Committee on Budget, Finance, and AdministrationBettina Waldmann (Germany)
Committee on Trade and EnvironmentSimon Manley (United Kingdom)
Council for TRIPSLansana Gberie (Sierra Leone)
Working Group on Trade, Debt, and FinanceDonatas Tamulaitis (Lithuania)
Committee on Regional Trade AgreementsTaeho Lee (Republic of Korea)


World Trade Organisation

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only worldwide international group dealing with the directions of trade between countries. At its core are the World Trade Organization agreements.

These agreements are negotiated and contracted by the dimensions of the world’s trading states and approved in their parliaments. The aim is to safeguard that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.

Officially, each council, committee, or working party of the World Trade Organization selects its particular chairperson. However, informal discussions are held to safeguard a good distribution of appointments over all these forms.

These discussions produce agreement on accounts of chairpersons in 3 groups: those directly relating to the General Council (including, the bodies reporting to the Trade Negotiations Committee); those reporting to the Goods Council; and those reporting to the Services Council.