Stockholm, 20 May 2023 (TDI): The establishment of the Crisis Facility for the International Development Association (IDA) by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors is aimed at providing funding and assistance to Ukraine, Moldova, and the poorest countries affected by the war in Ukraine.

It focuses on providing timely and targeted support to countries facing significant challenges due to conflicts, natural disasters, or other crises.

The Facility aims to support the recovery and reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, as well as provide assistance to Moldova, which is facing economic pressures due to the energy crisis and the influx of Ukrainian refugees.

The first area of focus for the Crisis Facility is funding for early recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine. Investments are targeted towards key sectors such as health, energy, transport, agriculture, and the establishment of a social protection network.

Investments in the energy sector aim to improve the energy infrastructure, ensure a stable energy supply, and promote sustainable energy sources.

It aims to enhance the transportation network within Ukraine by improving road infrastructure, upgrading public transportation systems, and facilitating the efficient movement of goods and people.

Investments in the agriculture sector are intended to strengthen the agricultural industry, support farmers, and increase food production capabilities.

In addition to Ukraine and Moldova, the Crisis Facility also extends its support to low-income countries that have been severely affected by the effects of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Therefore, the Facility allocates funding to support crisis response efforts in these nations, with a particular emphasis on improving food security.

The involvement of Sweden and Minister Johan Forssell in spearheading this initiative demonstrates their commitment to supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine.

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Sweden, both at the national level and as the holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, has played an instrumental role in mobilizing support for the affected countries.

The Swedish Government’s commitment of SEK 600 million in assistance to Ukraine and Moldova further underscores their dedication to effective assistance and international cooperation.

The Crisis Facility’s comprehensive approach aims to provide funding and support for early recovery, reconstruction, and crisis response in Ukraine, Moldova, and low-income countries affected by the war in Ukraine.

By addressing key sectors and providing financial assistance, the Facility strives to promote stability, improve living conditions, and enhance the resilience of the affected populations.