Buenos Aires, 2 September 2022 (TDI): The Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner met the Ambassador of Malaysia, N. A. Abdul Rahim and officials of the Malaysian oil company, Petronas.

The Vice President of Argentina thanked the Malaysian ambassador and officials of Petronas, Malaysia. She also announced that great news for the future of Argentina will come up soon.

Development of LNG facility in Argentina

The Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner announced that the Malaysian oil company, Petronas will help in building the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant. Petronas along with another company, YPF will help in building the plant.

The companies had been working on the facility in Vaca Muerta, Argentina since the year 2014. The facility will be built for 10,000 million dollars.

The building of this facility will help Argentina to produce 5 million tons of LNG per year. The production of that much amount of LNG will help Argentina to become a future exporter.

Impact on economy

The cooperation of Argentina with the companies of Malaysia to build the LNG facility will help the national economy of Argentina. The Vice President said that the project will provide a number of jobs

The facility will help the Argentinian economy to boost. The exports of LNG will help in the generation of foreign exchange. The project will help in modifying the energy matrix of Argentina.

The Vice President also announced that the industries of Argentina will also receive help from this facility in the future.

Christina Kirchner added that the government of Argentina imports 35 ships of LNG supplies in the current situation. She added that this plant will help the country to export more than 460 ships of LNG, making it a huge source of foreign exchange for the economy.

Read More: Argentina and Chile foster development diplomacy

Vice President