Caracas, 30 August 2022 (TDI): The Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguez met the Ambassador of South Africa to Venezuela, Lindiwe Michelle Maseko. The meeting aimed to regard the strong bilateral cooperation between Venezuela and South Africa.

The Vice President of Venezuela, Rodriguez announced that this meeting aimed to foster the goals of the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. She added that the discussion with the Ambassador of South Africa was based on the concept of “diplomacy for peace”.

Focusing Strategic Cooperation

The meeting between the Vice President of Venezuela and the Ambassador of South Africa focused on the varying objectives. It was added that the strategic cooperation between the two sides was also focused on.

In the meeting, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Carlos Faria also accompanied the Vice President of Venezuela. Based on the remarks of President Maduro, the Venezuelan side assured the South African ambassador about the continuous supply of oil.

The promise of the President of Venezuela was also stressed by supporting the initiatives of joint investments in the commercial and oil sectors. The sustenance of cooperation based on the agreement of the Venezuela-South Africa Business Forum that was signed in 2020 was also assured.

The agreement of the very business forum focused on the bilateral initiatives of mining, tourism, agriculture, and entrepreneurship.

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

The meeting between the officials of Venezuela and South Africa also pointed out the South-South Cooperation. The follow-up of such cooperation was discussed regarding the strengthening of the economic relationship.

It was also stressed that both sides agreed to work through closer cooperation under the initiative of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The fact is also here to mention that both states are part of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and remained close partners under the platform.