Islamabad, 28 July 2022 (TDI): Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Pakistan, Oybek Usmanov paid a courtesy visit to Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto.

Both officials discussed matters related to bilateral and regional cooperation. Foreign Minister Bilawal expressed satisfaction with the positive trajectory of close cooperation in all areas of mutual interests.

He appreciated the bilateral efforts in all areas particularly trade, investment, and connectivity, including the Trans-Afghan Railway Project.

Pakistan-Uzbekistan relations

Both states established diplomatic relations after the Republic of Uzbekistan became an independent state in 1991. Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan and Pakistan are intertwined in strong bonds of religion, culture, and traditions. Both are the members of Economic Cooperation Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Both countries are working on an Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan trilateral railway project. This project is to establish railroad links from the Uzbek city of Tirmiz that will pass through the Afghan cities of Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar, Kabul, and Jalalabad to Pakistani cities.

Mega cooperation projects between the two, like TAPI, CASA-1000, rail links, and power supply are the areas of a long-term partnership.

Both countries have the capacity to engage in different cooperation fields like tourism, trade, education, health, and energy products.

Former Prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan paid a visit to Uzbekistan in 2021. Whereas the Uzbek President also visited Pakistan in 2022.

Agreements between both states

Both states have signed several Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen bilateral relations and mutual interests.

These MoUs were significantly signed to enhance cooperation in multiple sectors. They include trade, energy, education, science and technology, and cultural exchanges.

The memorandum signed during Imran Khan’s visit to Tashkent included an agreement on Transit Trade and cooperation in military education.

It also included an MoU between foreign ministries of both states and a cultural exchange program from 2021-2026.

Both states have also signed a Preferential Trade agreement and agreed to the enforcement of the Transit Trade Agreement.

A Round-table on 30 Years of Pakistan-Uzbekistan Diplomatic Relations was held in Islamabad on 21 July 2022. It discussed prospects of Cooperation with Uzbekistan as SCO Chair.
