Washington DC, 1 May 2023 (TDI): The United States (US) European Command (EUCOM) celebrates Armed Forces Day for the nation of Georgia. It has taken this opportunity to salute the Georgian Defense Forces’ commitment and contributions to defending democratic values.

The US-EU Command recognizes the critical role that the Georgian Defense Forces play in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

“Their dedication to the defense of their country and the promotion of democratic values is admirable, and their contributions to regional security are invaluable,” the US-EU Command added.

Notably, the partnership between the US and Georgia has grown significantly over the years, and the US-EU Command is proud to work alongside the Georgian Defense Forces to promote security, stability, and prosperity in the region.

“The Georgian Defense Forces have demonstrated their professionalism and commitment to peacekeeping and security operations, and we are grateful for their contributions to our collective efforts,” the US-EU Command further stated.

“We look forward to continuing our close cooperation and working together to promote peace, stability, and democratic values in the region.”

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In a nutshell, US-EU Command has extended its warmest wishes to the Georgian Defense Forces on this Armed Forces Day and thanked them for their service and dedication to their country and regional security.

US, Georgia defense cooperation

For the record, the US and Georgia have maintained a close partnership in the realm of defense cooperation for many years. This cooperation has been based on a shared commitment to promoting security, stability, and peace in the region.

The partnership has involved various initiatives, including joint military exercises, the exchange of military personnel, and the provision of security assistance and equipment to the Georgian Armed Forces.

One of the key pillars of the US-Georgia defense partnership has been the Georgia Train and Equip Program (GTEP), which was launched in 2002.

The GTEP was designed to provide training and equipment to the Georgian military to enhance its capabilities in counterterrorism and peacekeeping operations.

The program was later replaced by the Georgia Security and Stability Operations Program (GSSOP), which expanded the scope of US security assistance to include support for governance and rule of law initiatives.

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Likewise, the US has also been a key partner in helping Georgia to modernize its military. This has included the provision of advanced military equipment such as helicopters, armored vehicles, and communications systems.

Moreover, the US has supported Georgia in its efforts to join NATO, providing technical assistance and training to help the country meet the alliance’s membership criteria.

The US and Georgia have also conducted joint military exercises on a regular basis. These exercises have included the annual Noble Partner exercises, which involve thousands of US and Georgian troops conducting joint training exercises in Georgia.

The exercises are designed to enhance interoperability and strengthen the capabilities of both the US and Georgian military forces.

The US-Georgia defense partnership has also involved the exchange of military personnel. Georgian military personnel have served alongside US troops in various conflict zones, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition, the US has provided training opportunities for Georgian military personnel at US military institutions, including the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Overall, the US-Georgia defense partnership has been an important element of the broader strategic relationship between the two countries. It has helped to promote security and stability in the region and has strengthened the capabilities of the Georgian Armed Forces.

The partnership is likely to continue in the future, with both countries recognizing the importance of cooperation in promoting their shared security interests.

Georgian Defense Forces

Eman Mudassar Tarar is a student of International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and can be reached at emantarar26@gmail.com. She is currently working as a Research intern in the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies. Her areas of interest are rooted in a deep passion for global politics, international relations, ongoing transnational developments as well as a strong commitment to advancing human rights and promoting social justice on a global scale. She writes as a columnist for various media outlets. The author tweets @the_emantarar.