Washington DC, 1 March 2023 (TDI): The United States (US) Department of State released a statement in which today’s violence in the West Bank was strongly condemned.

It involved the terrorist attack that killed two Israelis and settler violence. This resulted in the killing of one Palestinian, injuries to over 100 others, and the destruction of extensive property.

State Department’s Spokesperson. Ned Price emphasized that there was never any justification for terrorism or attacks on civilians. In addition, he also expressed his concern about the reports of clashes between civilians and security forces.

He made certain that the US will reiterate its call for all sides to exercise restraint and immediately halt this reckless cycle of violence. The US also urged both parties to refrain from actions that will further destabilize the situation.

In the same vein, US Department endorsed taking positive steps to reduce tensions. He urged that the US department deeply mourns the loss of life and the suffering on both sides of this conflict.

Incident at West Bank

For the record, today in the West Bank, clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinians continued. Consequently,  the Israel Defense Forces launched multiple airstrikes throughout the region.

Palestinian protesters also gathered in several cities to demonstrate against the presence of Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

Reports also indicate that Israeli forces have made several arrests in recent days. This has been done in response to the growing unrest and acts of violence in the region.

The violence in the West Bank is largely due to the ongoing Israeli aggression, which has been ongoing for decades.

This has resulted in a complex political and social situation, with the recent clashes being driven by both sides’ claims to the land and a general sense of mistrust and animosity.

Additionally, attacks and settler violence have contributed to the unrest in the region. Following the recent incident, the US stressed the parties focus their efforts on reducing tensions and creating an environment conducive to dialogue and peace.

Taking steps to resolve the underlying issues through meaningful negotiations was underlined by Ned Price. He ensured that the US will remain committed to doing what it can to help bring about a two-state solution & lasting peace and security.

Furthermore, the US also called on all parties to take constructive steps to resume long-stalled peace talks and to end this conflict once and for all.

It urged the parties to seek a negotiated solution that recognizes the legitimate aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

It is necessary to move the peace process forward towards a two-state solution which ultimately is the only path to lasting stability in the region.

Along these lines, the US assured that it will always stand ready to support any agreed-upon solution consistent with international law.

At the conclusion of the given remarks, the US Department’s Spokesperson expressed his commitment that the US will continue to work with Israelis and Palestinians and other regional partners to restore calm and end the violence.