Free Town, 9 August 2022 (TDI): The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Sierra Leone, partnered up with Japan and Free Town City Council to launch the Resilience Building for Disaster-Affected Communities Project.

The main purpose of this project is to address resilience and vulnerability. The Resident Coordinator Babatunde Ahonsi commended this partnership as a sign that the UN is a trusted development partner.

Babatunde Ahonsi said that this project will tackle access to proper sanitation, hygiene, and food waste. Constructing a biogas system and toilets would help the Susan’s Bay and Mabella Community.

After Bangladesh and Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone is the third most vulnerable country to the effects of climate change. It is also characterized by low readiness and high vulnerability.

This makes it one of the least able countries to adapt to climate change. Such issues along with unplanned urban growth and environmental degradation highly affect vulnerable communities.

The Covid-19 pandemic worsened this situation coupled with poverty. Human vulnerability also led to social inequalities. In the circumstances of mudslides and unpredictable disasters consuming Sierra Leone, such projects are a necessity.

Resilience Building for Disaster-Affected Communities Project

This initiative on resilience building was launched to address the ongoing vulnerable issues faced by Sierra Leone. This project has the aim of reducing emergency risks by building resilience. It will make sure to be accessible to everyone.

This project hopes to make these communities stronger and more resilient. So that the communities like those in Susan’s Bay and Wellington affected by flooding and massive fires etc. can recover quickly.

This project contributes to the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, establishing more safe and inclusive, and sustainable cities. It will reduce the impact of disasters on humans’ livelihoods.