UNHCR roadmap for EU to protect refugees

UNHCR roadmap for EU to protect refugees
UNHCR roadmap for EU to protect refugees

Brussels, 13 January 2023 (TDI): United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has requested Sweden and Spain to present a framework in European Union (EU).

Using their presidential positions in the EU, in 2023, they would present a roadmap to protect the refugees. UNHCR has outlined effective and affirmative actions for EU states in a paper release.

The paper contains recommendations to protect refugees and forcibly displaced people. On the provided recommendations Sweden and Spain would draw a practical roadmap using the practices of 2022.

UNHCR’s EU Representative, Gonzalo Vargas Llosa said, “UNHCR is urging this year’s EU Presidencies to build on this good practice and stand in solidarity with all refugees and asylum-seekers, wherever they may come from.”

Moreover, “The humanitarian spirit and solidarity shown by EU countries last year towards refugees from Ukraine demonstrate Europe’s capacity to welcome and protect forcibly displaced people in an organized and effective way,” added Llosa.

EU can lead on the path of protecting refugees better by reaching an agreement and implementing the drafted pact. Pact on Migration and Asylum is binding on all the EU states to fully comply.

The Pact is an opportunity for the EU region to play a comprehensive and effective role in mitigating the refugee crisis.

UNHCR has recommended that the incoming Presidencies should focus on providing access to efficient asylum procedures. Similarly, ensuring strong responsibility-sharing mechanisms.

UNHCR has strong concerns that though EU states are supporting the refugees there are grave human rights violations at EU borders.

For a sustainable EU asylum system resolution of human rights violations is essential. The proposed measures of UNHCR would ensure sustainable asylum mechanisms.

The Solidarity Declaration 2022 is an effective framework for saving life and responsibility sharing. The addition of the proposed framework would make it more reliable.

About three-quarters of the world, refugees are living in the third world and developing states. UNHCR is inspiring the EU states to work closely on refugee issues with such states.