New York, 29 December 2022 (TDI): The United Nations (UN) released an annual report titled “2022 Year in Review: Amid global turmoil, UN doggedly pursues international climate agreements.”

In the report, the UN has described this year’s monsoon-induced disastrous floods in Pakistan as a sobering reminder. It has also warned the world that similar calamities are likely in the future.

In this vein, the report has said, “Some places had “water scarcity” in the previous year, others were devastated by disastrous floods.”

Also read: Pakistan calls on UN Secretary-General for flood relief

“In Pakistan, a national emergency was declared in August, following heavy flooding & landslides caused by monsoon rains which, at the height of the crisis, saw around a third of the country underwater. Tens of millions were displaced.” The report continued.

Further finding related to Climate Change

The report also identifies the importance of reducing fossil fuel consumption and aiding developing nations in coping with man-made climate changes that are producing catastrophic weather events like droughts and floods.

The UN report also mentions a current World Meteorological Organization study (WMO). This indicates that through the year 2060, heat waves will happen more regularly.

It highlights human activities as a major contributor to Climate catastrophes. Along these lines, the study added, “Despite overwhelming evidence that a transition to a low-carbon economy is critical.

The world’s major economies responded to the energy issue by seeking new oil and gas supplies.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres decried the reaction, calling it delusional. He contended that if developing countries had previously invested in renewable energy, they would have avoided the price volatility of the fossil fuel markets.

Upcoming Climate conference in Geneva

Notably, on January 9, next year, the UN will organize an international conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan in Geneva. It will be co-hosted by Pakistan.

The conference will bring together governments & leaders from the public and private sectors to help Pakistan’s people and government recover from the disastrous floods of 2022.

Also read: Pakistan Flash Flood: Impact on economy & global response

It has two main objectives. The first is “Present the Resilient Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Rebuilding Framework (4RF).” It lays out a multi-sectoral plan for rehabilitation and reconstruction in a climate-resilient and inclusive manner.

The second purpose is to “obtain international support and develop long-term partnerships for building Pakistan’s climate resilience and adaptation”.