Kyiv, 10 February 2023 (TDI): The senior United Nations (UN) Disarmament official, Izumi Nakamitsu, in the Security Council meeting, warned that there is an increased reflux of weapons in the wake of instability in Ukraine.

Several governments provided heavy conventional armaments and munitions to Ukraine, that include, battlefield vehicles, air defense capabilities, large-caliber artillery systems, uncrewed combat aerial vehicles, and drones, among others.

She said recently several countries announced their intentions to provide heavier and more modernized systems, such as frontline battle tanks.

The large-scale influx of weapons would only amplify the escalation of more conflicts and violence. This situation is neglecting the international protocols governing arms transfers.

There are also reports of states transferring weapons such as combat drones, to the Russian armed forces for use in Ukraine.

She said when such heavy transfer of armaments occurs the parties must comply with the norms of international law that involve pre-transfer risk assessments and post-shipment controls.

Moreover, information exchange between the importing, transit, and exporting countries is also critical. Because appropriate accounting and safeguarding of arms and ammunition, customs and border control measures are needed.

She also highlighted that the conflict took the lives of more than 18,000 as reported by UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR).

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, also drew attention to the “never-ending conveyor belt” of new supplies flooding into Ukraine over the last three months.

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

He highlighted the rising prices of armaments by defense companies that are mostly owned by Western countries.

He argued that these companies found in Ukraine are a pretext with which to significantly increase their defense budgets and the revenues of domestic arms producers.

Similarly, these countries are sending mercenaries and service personnel to Ukraine without which Kyiv would not be able to operate Western weapon systems.

Kyiv and its supporters are responsible for a range of glaring violations of international humanitarian law, carried out by their proxies, he said.

Roger Waters, the former band member of Pink Floyd and peace activist also addresses the Security Council at the invitation of Russia.

He stated that he speaks for the countless “voiceless” people around the world who are concerned about the high volume of weapons currently flooding Ukraine.

Musician Roger Waters, former band member of Pink Floyd, and peace activist addressing the Security Council.

He called for an urgent need to end the violence and fighting, and he urged the Council’s five permanent members to put their own goals, citing the example of bigger profits for war industries to one side.

He further said that the Russian invasion is illegal also it was not unprovoked, both actions are equally condemned. “Not one more Russian or Ukrainian life is to be spent,” he stressed.

Likewise, he emphasized that the voiceless majority – many of whom cannot afford the most necessities – does not willingly raise sons and daughters to serve as fodder for the cannons of the world’s major powers.

Ukraine’s permanent representative, Sergiy Kyslytsya, demanded that Russia should immediately implement the demands of the General Assembly and the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The most important demand is to withdraw troops from Ukraine’s territory. He described it as Moscow’s “war of choice”, questioning the choice to have Roger Waters – who “knows so little but seems to know it so fluently” address the Security Council.

Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya of Ukraine addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

He drew attention to Article 51 of the UN Charter which allows countries to exercise their inherent right to “individual or collective self-defense” in the case of an armed attack against a UN Member State.

“If the Security Council remains immobilized by the evil doer and cannot punish it, let us and all responsible nations do this work […] for our common good,” he stressed.

The Ambassador of France, Nicolas de Rivière also addressed the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière of France addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

He said that the peaceful settlement of the war depends on Russia, “which is entirely responsible for it.” He pointed out that if Moscow would stop the fight there would be peace, but if Ukraine would stop the fight, then it would be annihilated.

Several Council members also demanded Moscow’s full and immediate withdrawal from the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine alongside an urgent ceasefire