Geneva, 3 March 2022 (TDI): The United Nations held the virtual celebration of the UN World Wildlife Day 2022 globally. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) arranged the online celebration.

The Secretary-General of CITES, Ivonne Higuero shared that this year, the UN is bringing together representatives of the UN Member States, UN System organizations and multilateral environmental agreements, civil society, and the private sector for a series of discussions along the theme of “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration”.

Every year World Wildlife Day is observed on March 3, globally. This day is an opportunity to celebrate different and beautiful forms of wild fauna and flora. This day also promotes awareness-raising of the benefits that wildlife conservation provides to people.

Higuero said that the celebrations focus on the conservation status of the critically endangered species of wild fauna & flora. It also emphasizes the discussions towards solutions and implementation to conserve them.

Theme of World Wildlife Day 2022

For World Wildlife Day 2022 the theme is “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration”. This theme raises awareness of the threats weighing on endangered species and their habitats.

It also promotes the efforts aimed at conserving them. All conversations at the UN celebration focus on the efforts towards the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals such as:

  • 1 (No Poverty)
  • 2 (Zero hunger)
  • 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns)
  • 13 (Climate Action)
  • 14 (Life Below Water) and
  • 15 (Life on Land).
World WildLife Day
UN Celebrated 3rd March as World Wildlife Day

History of World Wildlife Day

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), proclaimed March 3 as the UN World Wildlife Day on December 20, 2013. It was announced in UNGA 68th session. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was also signed on 3 March 1973.

The UNGA resolution designated the CITES Secretariat as the facilitator to observe World Wildlife Day globally on the UN calendar. This Day has now become the most important global annual event dedicated to wildlife.

Significance of World Wildlife Day

The animals and plants living in the wild have a natural value. The wild fauna and flora support the ecological, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational, and aesthetic aspects of human life. They also add to sustainable development.

World Wildlife Day reminds us of the need to fight against wildlife crimes. It also emphasizes on human-induced reduction of species, which have wide-ranging economic, environmental, and social impacts.

The ‘Sustainable Development Goal 15’ focuses on halting biodiversity loss to counter such negative effects. The continued loss of species, habitats, and ecosystems has threatened living beings, especially human life.

People worldwide depend on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources. These resources meet all human needs such as food, fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. These natural resources are the source of people’s livelihoods and economic opportunities.

Therefore, World Wildlife Day drives the debate towards the significant need to save the most critically endangered species. It also supports the restoration of species habitats and ecosystems. World Wildlife Day significantly promotes their sustainable use by humanity.

Recovering Key Species for Ecosystem Restoration

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed about 8,400 species of wild fauna and flora as critically endangered. The vulnerable species are about 30,000.

The objective of World Wildlife Day 2022 is to lead public and political debate towards the need to save the most endangered species. It also aims to support the restoration of their habitats and ecosystems.

UN World Wildlife Day 2022

Research Scholar in Regional Studies of China, Russia & Central Asia. A Development & Human Rights/Women Empowerment Professional and a Social Entrepreneur. Interested in International Diplomacy, Development, and policy affairs.