Madrid, 1 July 2022 (TDI): The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), Boris Johnson has announced that military experts would be sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina to reinforce the NATO mission and promote security and stability in the state.

“In post-war period, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been facing existential threat due to its secessionist leaders creating conflicts and division. Putin is backing up these plans to undermine Bosnia’s Euro Atlantic stability and integration,” he said.

The counter military expert along with civil strategic defense advisor would be deployed to train and support Armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They will bolster the ability for resisting malign influences.

Prime Minister’s Statement

“We cannot allow Western Balkans to become a playground for Putin’s pursuits. Through sectarianism and secessionism, Russia is seeking to revers gains of past thirty years in Bosnia and Herzegovina, gains which brought stability to the whole continent.

“It is why we are stepping up for supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina, helping our friends to protect peace they deserve to enjoy”.

Moreover, Prime Minister said that the UK would provide £750,000 for establishment of cyber-security center in Sarajevo University. It will bolster defense capabilities of state against any kind of cyber-attacks.

The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense is also working to keep the state on the Euro-Atlantic trajectory.

Furthermore, it’s also working to develop resilience and capability the Armed forces of Bosnia needed for tackling the security challenges and fighting organized crime.

In addition to providing military support to NATO and Bosnia’s Armed Forces, the United Kingdom is also working support Dayton Peace Accords.

Boris Jonhson shared that the UK has sanctioned these for undermining rule of law in the state and last year Special Envoy to Balkan States was also appointed.

“The United Kingdom have always been committed to promote security and peace in the region, starting from when British army provided humanitarian aid during War in Bosnia in 1990s,” he mentioned.