HomeWorldTrump for Death Penalty for Migrants Killing Americans

Trump for Death Penalty for Migrants Killing Americans


Washington (TDI): Considering migrants as criminals, Donald Trump during a rally in Aurora, Colorado, , has proposed the death penalty for migrants who kill US citizens.

Former President and now the Republican presidential candidate apparently interfiled his anti-immigration rhetoric in the final weeks of the November election campaign, his purpose is to defeat Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

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Certain media reports say that anti-immigration rhetoric in his presidential run is turning as an alarmist message in America.

For years, Illegal immigration is a concern for many citizens, and while a significant number of voters see Trump as a person that would better to address it, opinion polls reveal.

“I’m hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer,” certain media reports in the US quoted Trump saying as.

TV screen showed his supporters’ loud cheers from a large crowd , while he was addressing them.

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Trump has also suggested death penalty for other offenders, including people convicted of sex trafficking women and children.

Data of Death Penalty Information Center, a non-profit group, shows that  about half of the US states has banned the death penalty.

However, federal death penalty still exist with rare use.

It is strange that in his third presidential campaign his focus is on what he calls “migrant crime”, though academic studies show immigrants do not commit crimes at a higher rate as compare to native-born Americans.

On contrary, Vice President Harris toughened her stance on border security after becoming the Democratic nominee in August, and criticise Trump for helping stifle a bipartisan border security bill in Congress earlier this year.

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