Moscow, 12 January 2021 (TDI): Russia’s Health Minister Mikhail Murashko says that “Revaccination with one-shot Sputnik Light vaccine provides excellent virus neutralization and protects from the new Omicron variant. Therefore we recommend revaccination with to patients recovered from COVID and previously vaccinated.”

This statement comes on the heels of evidence that suggests the growing importance of “booster” shots even to prevent reinfection among individuals presumed to have developed good immunity due to previous infections of the virus.

A study from Qatar shows how protection against symptomatic reinfection with Alpha, Beta, or Delta is robust, at about 90% but in the case of Omicron, it is much lower at about 60%.


The Omicron variant of the COVID19 virus though considered less deadly than previous ones is one with the quickest transmission. That is why the World Health Organization is estimating “half of Europe” getting infected with an Omicron wave moving West to East in the next 6 weeks.

This new wave is likely to be of concern once it reaches Eastern European countries; which have much lower vaccination rates than their western neighbors – as low as 28% full vaccinations in Bulgaria.

Given this scenario; the development of another single-jab vaccination in the form of Sputnik Light (instead of the two jab varieties). This means that it has another use as a booster shot with other types of vaccinations; and as a standalone vaccination with about 80% efficacy, can help to tackle the rising cases due to Omicron.

Sputnik has also been a pioneer of the heterogenous boosting or more simply mix & match approach to booster shots that have been found effective in increasing the duration of protection offered by vaccines especially mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer and Moderna.

As part of Russia’s vaccine diplomacy, it has extended to Pfizer since August last year the offer to consider the Sputnik Light as a booster. Oxford-based AstraZeneca is already collaborating with Sputnik for Sputnik Light booster shots.

Russia registered the original Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine first in the world. According to the Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, in association with the Russian Health Ministry.

71 countries authorized it including some of the worst-hit; and with the largest populations in the world such as India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. But the wide demand has often outpaced promises of supply and the vaccine doesn’t have emergency use approval from WHO.


International Relations student at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain. Main interests are the work of International Organizations like the UN in the scope of humanitarian assistance to vulnerable human beings and the environment