South Sudan bids farewell to Norwegian Ambassador

Farewell to Norwegian Ambassador

Juba, 13 August 2022 (TDI): The three years tenure of the Norwegian Ambassador to South Sudan, Siv Kaspersen, ended on Friday. On the occasion of her farewell, the Ambassador called on her colleagues for the farewell remarks.

Farewell remarks of the Norwegian Ambassador

Siv Kaspersen applauded the people of South Sudan and said, “It has been a privilege to represent my country to the South Sudanese people. They are such a resource for their country; generous, resilient, and hardworking.”

The Ambassador also talked about her visits to different cities of South Sudan during her tenure and the support that she received there. Kaspersen said, “I will be forever grateful to have witnessed these treasures of South Sudan, and hope many more will get the chance to do so.”

Moreover, the Ambassador said that there should be improved budget implementation and a rise in national revenues to culminate corruption. She said, “This is the key to alleviate widespread insecurity and human suffering, but also to finance the new Roadmap.”

Furthermore, Kaperson said that the planning for December 2024 elections must start now. The planning will give people confidence that their voices will be heard. The Ambassador said, “The potential for peaceful coexistence and economic prosperity is so clearly present in Sudan.”

She concluded her farewell remarks by saying, “I am honoured and humbled by the opportunity to have played my own small part in the development of this great nation. I want to thank all my South Sudanese colleagues and friends for making my stay such a rewarding experience.”