Yamoussoukro, 4 December 2021 (TDI): South African President Cyril Ramaphosa arrived in Ivory Coast for an official visit. Alassane Dramane Ouattara, President of Ivory Coast, received the South African counterpart at Félix Houphouët Boigny International Airport Abidjan, Ivory Coast. South African President introduced the South African delegation and ministers to the Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara.

It is the first State visit of the South African President to the Ivory Coast since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Likewise, the visit aims to enhance bilateral cooperation between Ivory Coast and South Africa.

Moreover, the visit allows further enhancing friendly and cooperative bilateral relations between two countries. Besides, the visit gives the chance to create a mutually beneficial and enduring Strategic Partnership between South Africa and the Ivory Coast.

Topics on the agenda in the Presidential Meeting

South African President also held a meeting with Ivory Coast Counterpart. Both signed the Memorandum of Understandings and agreements. Likewise, both signed various agreements, including cooperation agreements in the fields of Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality and Cooperation in the Field of Youth. Furthermore, Both sides signed MoUs for cooperation in the areas of ICT, innovation and, Technologies. More, the focus of the talks is to enhance the economy, trade, and investment cooperation between the two countries.

Likewise, both discussed collaboration in advancing the goals of the African Union for development, peace, and security. Besides, both presidents emphasized the consolidation of democracy in the region. South African President praised the efforts of the Ivory Coast President to foster reconciliation in the region.  Moreover, both sides pledged to collaborate on international forums, including United Nations.

South African President visit of Abidjan District

Besides, the South African President also visited the autonomous district of Abidjan. He met with the traditional leaders and citizens in the district. Traditional Leadership gave the traditional dress to the South African guest. Likewise, they have also given the name  “Dwasaho”, which means “The Great Warrior,” to the South African guest.