Singapore, 29 August 2021(TDI): Singapore Minster of Defense, Ng Eng Hen acknowledged Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong on his friendly offered assistance to the evacuation mission from Afghanistan with the help of their RSAF’s ( Republic of Singapore Air Force) Multi-Role Tankers Transport and army personal. The crew consists of 77 personals who would assist in the evacuation efforts in Afghanistan for a safe and successful evacuation. The intention behind the mission has been to provide a better life for many families and displaced individuals which would be then transported to their host countries.
The minister of Defense, Ng Eng Hen conveyed his best wishes to the SAF, as they flew off on the night of 26th August 2021 for their mission.
The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development publishing since 2009.