Russian stance on accession of Sweden to NATO

Russian stance on accession of Sweden to NATO
Russian stance on accession of Sweden to NATO

Moscow, 17 May 2022 (TDI): The Russian Federation stated that Sweden’s membership in NATO will have a significant negative impact on Northern European and European security.

To counter the challenges, of national security developing in this environment, the Russian Federation will adopt military-technical and other measures.

The Kingdom of Sweden has signed the application to officially apply for the membership in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Sweden’s government took the decision to seek NATO membership on May 16. And the government of Russia has emphasized that its every country’s decision on how to safeguard national security is an internal matter.

The Russian Federation responded that much will rely on the precise conditions of Sweden’s inclusion into the North Atlantic Alliance being deployed on Swedish soil, including the possibility of the military bloc’s attack systems.

Giving their stance on the current situation, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the present Swedish government’s decision does not serve the long-term interests of the Swedish people.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg tweeted that he appreciated the decision of the Prime Minister of Sweden, Magdalena Andersson, and her government’s move to ask for membership in NATO.

He stated that Sweden is one of the closest allies of NATO, and membership would bolster the Euro-Atlantic regions and Sweden’s security at a crucial moment.

The Foreign Minister of Sweden, Ann Linde stated that Sweden has chosen to apply for NATO membership today. A historic move with wide parliamentary backing.

She stated that Sweden’s security is going to enhance if it joined NATO. As a result, Sweden’s membership will also, boost NATO’s overall security.