Moscow, 1 March 2022 (TDI): Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, addressed the 49th HRC via video link to address the human rights situation in Ukraine. He gave the address on March 1.

Cancellation of flight of Russian Foreign Minister

During the video address, the Russian Foreign Minister said that he was unable to attend the 49th HRC. This is because of the measures of the EU to refuse him a fundamental human right i.e. freedom of movement.

Unfortunately, he highlighted that the EU has favored unilateral and illegitimate sanctions. Such acts go against direct and honest dialogue.

Rules-based World Order

Along these lines, the Russian Foreign Minister pointed out that the US and its allies are imposing the ‘rules-based world order’. Subsequently, this rules-based world order is targeting inter-state communication.

Then, Sergey Lavrov quoted an example of Ukraine to make understanding of this forcibly ‘rule-based world order.’ Since 2014, the Kyiv regime is at war with its people due to the policies of the west, particularly in Washington.

Neo-Nazism and Militarization

Regrettably, neo-Nazi Maidan values and criminal policies are the norms of the day in Ukraine. These policies violate the basic fundamental rights of citizens and national minorities. This is also against the framework of the UN, OSCE, and the constitution of Ukraine.

In brief, Sergey Lavrov mentioned the tragedy of Odessa which happened on May 2, 2014. During that event, the participants of the  House of Trade Unions were burned alive.

Sadly, the world knows those criminals. They even posted videos on social media networks. But, Ukrainian authorities are reluctant to punish those criminals.

Moreover, he reiterated that mass graves in Donbas represent the evidence of shelling done against the civilians. Subsequently, the forensic medical examination identified that dead civilians mostly consisted of women and children.

In particular, he emphasized that Western Colleagues have ignored numerous facts and events regarding the violations of fundamental human rights. Therefore, he explained why it is necessary to question the atrocities going on for about eight years.

Policy of De-Russification

Nevertheless, Ukrainian authorities have pursued a policy of de-Russification. They call Russian people strangers because of their culture, language, and identity.

He also remarked that Ukrainian President, V.A. Zelensky calls them individuals and also advises them to go to Russia. Following that, President Zelensky has made progress on the law suggesting that there is no place in Ukraine for the indigenous people who are living there for centuries.

In this regard, the Russian Foreign Minister explained that such a spirit of law-making shows the ideology of Nazi Germany and nothing else. Russian Foreign Minister also emphasized that authorities of Kyiv don’t allow the Russian language in educational and public institutes.

The people of Ukraine pay for the right to speak their language. He then asked whether Ireland, Belgium, and Italy can ban English, French, and German respectively. Simply, this scenario is not possible.

Likewise, the authorities have carried out legislative actions to persecute the opposition forces. They have banned TV channels and repressed their people which includes the members of parliament as well. Indeed, this is a violation of the fundamental right to express one’s opinion.

Lies about WWII

On the other hand, the Russian Foreign Minister remarked that Ukrainian authorities are spreading lies about WWII. They consider war criminals and Hitler’s henchmen as heroes.

Thereafter, they referred to a draft law on 23 February 2022. It was aimed to separate Ukrainian obligations from the agreement which focused on the remembrance of heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

But, the Russian Foreign Minister then explained that President Zelensky has no shame to honor his grandfather who was part of the Red Army. Sergey Lavrov called this an act of blasphemy.

Religious Discrimination

Furthermore, he reaffirmed that the Kyiv regime is encouraging religious discrimination in the country. He also detailed the reasons behind the establishment of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Similarly, he told that the laws of Ukraine go against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In this regard, Ukrainian authorities have seized many churches and persecuted the clergy as well.

Russian Foreign Minister then asked whether acts violate the religious freedom of Ukraine or not. In this matter, the Russian Foreign Minister said that the US, Canada, and EU countries consider these attacks on human rights and propagation of neo-Nazism as the ‘Standard of Democracy”.

They also pressurize the human rights structures of the UN, OSCE, and Council of Europe to act in favor of Kyiv authorities and not the people of Ukraine. Overall, these organizations remained unable to respond to the lawlessness that prevailed in Ukraine.

Coup d’etat of 2014

In 2014, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that the west showed indifference towards the anti-constitutional coup d’etat. As a result, the Russian Foreign Minister recalled that the Putschists of Ukraine reached an agreement with the West to expel every Russian thing from Crimea.

In the same vein, these Putschists accused other regions of terrorism when they didn’t accept the coup d’etat. These regions then faced bombing with the help of artillery, aviation, and rocket systems.

He also said that these bombings destroyed almost every civilian infrastructure including schools and hospitals. Besides, Donbas faced the cruelty of inhumane economic, food, and transport blockade.

Crimea’s Right of Self-Determination

Thereafter, in March 2014, Crimeans voted to be a part of Russia. Accordingly, the Russian Foreign Minister, said that it is their right to self-determination which is noted in the UN Charter as well.

Crimea has the right to protect its traditions, culture, and language. Against this backdrop, the Kyiv authorities blocked the North Crimean Canal and every one was found silent.

He mentioned that every human rights defender suddenly forgot the five international conventions that pursue the right to safe drinking water.

The fate of the Minsk Agreement

Later in 2015, UNSC approved the Minsk Protocol. Eventually, the residents of Donbas expected justice. But, Kyiv openly disregarded the Minsk Package of measures with the support of Western allies. Currently, he said that more than a hundred thousand refugees from Donbas have been sheltered in the Russian Federation.

Signs of Genocide

Resultantly, the Permanent Mission of Russia in Geneva has introduced an online presentation of criminal acts of Ukrainian authorities. Of course, the world must see the Russian side of the story as well.

Russian Foreign Minister has called these gross violations an attempt of genocide. But, the human rights defenders of the UN, Council of Europe, and OSCE are silent.

Recognition of LPR and DPR

In this lieu, the Russian Foreign Minister highlighted that Russian Federation has decided to save the future of four million people of Donbas. Russian President, Vladimir Putin, recognized LPR and DPR in response to the appeals of their residents.

Considering the above factors, President Vladimir Putin has also launched a special military operation in accordance with the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance.

For these reasons, he maintained that Russia wants Ukraine to be demilitarized and denazified. This is important for Ukraine’s sovereignty and core interests. On the contrary, the country is trying to acquire NATO membership, strike weapons, and nuclear potential.

Sovereignty Principle and Ukraine

In the context of the Sovereignty Principle, the Russian Foreign Minister mentioned the 1970 Declaration on the principles concerning friendly relations and cooperation between states.

In this regard, UNGA has approved this document and it states that the sovereignty principle is applicable only when states observe self-determination and equal rights.

Of course, the Russian Foreign Minister emphasized that Kyiv authorities never fulfilled this very basic principle. Notwithstanding, Sergey Lavrov also highlighted that the US and its allies are responsible for human rights violations in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and Yugoslavia.

Likewise, the Kyiv regime trampled on human rights freedoms and cultivated neo-Nazi traditions just to contain Russia. Instead of questioning them, the EU has provided Kyiv with lethal weapons.

Ultimate Objective of Russia in Ukraine

Lastly, the Russian Foreign Minister mentioned the aim of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Russia is determined to stop the workers who have seized power in Ukraine.

He explained that these ‘temporary workers’ have betrayed the interests of the people of Ukraine. For the pleasure of the West, these people have turned Ukraine into ‘anti-Russia’.

The elements of the ‘anti-Russian’ stance can be found in the current hysteria of NATO and the EU. Meanwhile, the US and its allies support this hysteria and negative propaganda to destabilize the Russian Federation.

A new wave of Negotiations

At the request of the Ukrainian President, negotiations have been started between Russia and Ukraine. In this context, the Russian Foreign Minister hoped that Ukraine may realize the gravity of the situation.

Of course, Ukraine should avoid the policy and behavior which they adopted in the case of Minsk agreements, Lavrov noted.

Fundamental Rights are Universal

In the end, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that fundamental human rights are a universal value. Thereupon, the elite circle cannot distort or replace the 1948 Universal Declaration.

UNSC must ensure the responsibility to work for the common interests of all instead of fulfilling the desires of a few selfish elites. Markedly, the notion of human rights must not interfere with the working of the internal affairs of states.

Equality and Sovereignty of States

Every state is equal and sovereign as per the charter of the United Nations. Perhaps, the world does not need the exclusivity, superiority, and permissiveness of the West.

He also remarked that the Russian stance is compatible with the principles of HRC. Indeed, Russian Federation pursues a balance of interests and diplomatic dialogue.