Washington, 20 November 2021 (TDI): A Russian Inter-Ministerial Delegation from the embassy in the United States participated in the 70th session of the Inter-American Drug abuse control commission. The meeting was on 19 November, online. During the meeting, the Russian delegation appreciated the OAS for a check on drug crime.


The 70th session of the Inter-American Drug abuse control commission, in the challenging context of the Covid-19 Pandemics. Covid-19 is related because it directly raised the activities to a dangerous level.

Ambassador Namm released a statement during the meeting. Namm mentioned that the COVID-19 has been a catalyst, allowing drug production, trafficking, and consumption. The drug dealers adapted the algorithms and secured the channels of communication. The Ambassador also mentioned that they appreciated the cooperative attitudes of the commission on the Russian overseas counterparts.


The Ambassador mentioned that this year, a Russian citizen suspected of organizing a channel to smuggle drugs from South America to Spain and then to Russia; was detained in Colombia. The authorities are investigating possible links with Colombian drug cartels.

Namm then thanked the Colombian authorities for their assistance during the operation. According to Namm, Russia considers it vital to continue an open exchange of perspectives among the law enforcement agencies. That open exchange between agencies would be on the changes regarding the drug market.

On 16 September, Russia held a pilot- online seminar. The seminar counted with the participation of several relevant officials from the countries of the region. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Managua held it.


Namm also acknowledged the degree of constructiveness shown by Western hemisphere countries. According to Namm, those countries showed that degree during the negotiation process of the omnibus resolution of the 76th UNGA. The 76th UNGA was in October and November, according to the note.

Namm thanked the Mexican coordinators for their inclusive approach in discussing the issue. He then extended his appreciation towards Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua for the balanced composition of its content. The Ambassador expressed Russian expectations to maintain the consensus spirit during the upcoming 64th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs; and the 65th CND meeting in 2022.

According to Namm, the delegation plans to introduce a draft resolution on countering high-technology drug offenses during the 65th CND meeting. Namm then added that Russia intends to continue to appeal to the countries to comply with their obligation to control all drugs. That control needs to be under the three UN anti-drug conventions.


Namm then remarked on Russia’s belief that it is essential to cooperate with the International Narcotics Control Board. That cooperation would be in the implementation of the Board’s monitoring functions. The Ambassador then expressed that Russia welcomed the interest of several countries, like Bolivia and Nicaragua, in the Board’s training workshop.

According to the note, that training workshop will be from 6 to 10 December, via videoconference. The workshop aims to build the national capacities to be able to implement the UN conventions. Namm announced that Russia intends to sponsor the training, and this way assists some American countries. That assistance towards those countries is regarding their ability to report to the Board.


Namm then expressed the concern of the country towards the situation in Afghanistan. According to him, Russia supports the establishment of the government as a peaceful, secure, economically stable, free of terrorism and drugs.

He then added that the drug production in Afghanistan has not declined after the change of regime. Namm then warned that due to the humanitarian situation, drug trafficking risks are growing. The Ambassador then remarked that countering those threats, and also those that are extending to other regions, requires a timely response.


The Russian delegation stressed the need to achieve complementarity while acknowledging the growing forum activity. According to Namm, the demand for the Paris Pact initiative for a discussion on drug trafficking from Afghanistan. Also, the Paris Pact initiative includes the need to curb that threat. Namm also extended the invitation to American countries and Canada to join the Pact.

The Ambassador then announced that Russia is preparing to meet the Paris Pact expert Working Group. According to the note, the meeting will be on cross-border cooperation and will be in December. He then reaffirmed Russia’s belief, that the meeting will contribute to the shared efforts to tackle the Afghan drug threat.

Finally, the Ambassador reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to the cooperation to show results. That would be seen in the drastic reduction of drug crime in the Western and Eastern hemispheres.