annual Russia Cultural Festival in Uganda, woman dressed in traditional robes, with a man
annual Russia Cultural Festival in Uganda, woman dressed in traditional robes, with a man

Kampala, 11 November 2021 (TDI): The plenary meeting of the Russia-Uganda Business Forum took place in Kampala, on 8 November. Senator Igor Morozov and Chairman of the Coordination Committee on Economic Cooperation with the Sub-Saharan African States chaired the meeting.

The note mentioned that during the Forum, the representatives of some Russian companies held meetings with Ugandan partners. The assistants of the Forum also discussed the possibilities to expand trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Uganda.

Kampala held the annual Russian Cultural Festival in Uganda. The festival started on 6 November and ended on 7 November. The Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots in Uganda organized it with the support of the Embassy.

The objective of the Festival was to strengthen the relations between Russia and Uganda. Another aim was to popularize the language and their culture too. The Festival had several activities, like concerts, performances, quizzes, and also art.

The Festival also had a craft market that offered traditional, and unique Russian Souvenirs. They also offered pottery masterclasses, some photo exhibitions. The guests had the opportunity to taste some traditional Russian dishes, like pancakes, borsch, and also beef dumplings.

Rosinka Olga Atubo was present at the Festival as the photos show. Atubo is the head of the Russian Women Association. A day after the Festival, Rosinka and the Ambassador to Uganda, Vladen Semivolos met to discuss issues regarding the interaction with the Russian-speaking community.

Rosinka shared the plans of the association. The Soviet Union established relations with Uganda in 1962. Russia established its Embassy in Kampala.