Doha, 25 July 2022 (TDI): The Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) jointly with the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) and the Kuwait Fund for Development has provided aid and relief services for the refugees in Bangladesh.

The three humanitarian organizations have jointly funded $3 million in projects in Bangladesh. The $3 million projects will last for two years, until the end of May 2023.

Moreover, the project targets a total of 834,000 Myanmar refugees and the locals in the host communities.

Out of a total of 834,000 Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh, 828,000 refugees require basic health facilities and health care. Whereas, the rest 6,000 refugees are in need of basic living facilities, even a safe shelter.

The three organizations are collaborating with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRSC) to implement relief projects.

The joint aid was provided mainly to improve the shelter and healthcare conditions for refugees in Bangladesh.

Overall, the project’s objective is to provide life-saving assistance to refugees by providing safe shelter to the families of Myanmar refugees in three phases.

The first phase will be meeting their basic non-food needs. The second phase will entail the construction of mosques to enable the practice of religious and social activities.

The third phase will aim at operating three healthcare centers to provide comprehensive healthcare for 18 months.

Under the comprehensive health care plan, medical and technical personnel will be deployed in the health centres. Moreover, healthcare education amongst targeted communities will be promoted.

Five-days field visit

A delegation from QRCS, KRCS and Kuwait Fund for Development completed a five-day field visit to refugee camps in Bangladesh on Monday. The delegation comprised 9 high-level directors from all three organizations.

The objective of the field trips was to check the progress of the implementation of programs on the ground. Moreover, the objective of the field trip was also to closely identify the needs of refugees and the local community.

During the field visit, the delegation also met representatives of BDRCS and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.



The writer is a senior year student of International Relations at Kinnaird College for Women. The writer holds an interest in the Indo-Pacific, cyber and security studies, and international law. She can be reached out via E-mail or Twitter for authorship/contributorship work.