Moscow, 17 April 2023 (TDI): Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu to further enhance their strategic coordination.

After conveying greetings and well-wishes on behalf of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Putin recalled Xi’s recent visit to Russia, reaffirming that during the visit, both sides had discussed the future direction of their comprehensive relationship and agreed to strengthen their bilateral ties.

In addition, they expressed their willingness to enhance cooperation in other areas such as culture, education, and the economy.

Putin also emphasized the importance of military cooperation between Russia and China, as he believed it to be crucial in deepening strategic mutual trust through joint training, professional exchanges, and other related practices.

Li, on his part, conveyed Xi’s cordial greetings to Putin and highlighted that the leaders of China and Russia have taken decisive steps to strengthen the development of their relations and deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

He added that substantial progress has been made in military mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries.

To further promote multilateral coordination, Li expressed China’s willingness to work with Russia in safeguarding global and regional stability and security and to make new contributions in this regard.

Also read: China and Russia Address the Afghanistan Crisis

He emphasized that to fully implement the consensus reached by the two countries, China and Russia need to strengthen their partnership in the new era based on mutual trust and respect and continue to deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership, which has strengthened the bond of friendship between the two nations.

In addition to that, in their recent bilateral meeting in Samarkand held on the 13th of April, China and Russia addressed the current circumstances in Afghanistan and reiterated their commitments to cooperation in this regard.

They also discussed other crucial regional and global issues, including developments in Central Asia and Eurasian integration movements in the meeting.